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Design editorial


Sea. The place I always want to be. At the edge of the beach I sit to think, write and reflect on everything that has happened and happens around me and in my life.

Entitled MIND, the publication is the representation of the duality between the sense of freedom that the immensity of the sea brings me and the barriers that my thoughts impose on me.

Magazine created for the discipline of Design and Specific Practices 01, by the students of the 1st semester of the Graphic Design of the Istituto Europeo Di Design - IED|SP


Sea. The place I always want to be. At the edge of the beach I sit to think, write and reflect on everything that has happened and happens around me and in my life.

Entitled MIND, the publication is the representation of the duality between the sense of freedom that the immensity of the sea brings me and the barriers that my thoughts impose on me.

Magazine created for the discipline of Design and Specific Practices 01, by the students of the 1st semester of the Graphic Design of the Istituto Europeo Di Design - IED|SP


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